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The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

"Ramadan 2021" Graphic

Ramadan 2021

Emily Martinez, Culture Editor May 10, 2021

Ramadan marks the 9th and holiest month of the Islamic calendar that commemorates when Allah (God in Arabic) revealed the first lines of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad. This holiday is celebrated from...

The international community rises up to support Muslims in the face of great tragedy.

City students react to mass shooting in New Zealand

Shoshie Hemley, Reporter May 10, 2019
“That could have been us. It just happened to be somewhere different. It could have easily been us, it could have easily been our sister, brother, uncle, and it’s a little hard, a little frightening,” Abdalla said.
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